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Trail Wiki

Trail Wiki
Trail Wiki
Trail Wiki


Trail Wiki is an online hiking guide & management system for hikers & trail associations. Trail Wiki strives to be the most advanced online trail guide in the world. We are working towards building not just a website but an online application for both end users and trail associations alike.

Goals, requirements, and outcome of the project

Trail Wiki's mission is to create a collaborative network of hikers working together to create the large online hiking guide in the world.

We have used Google map API's for adding markers, displaying the details in pop-up and navigate into various type of screens. We have not used any of the Drupal module for Map and we have handled all these functionalities in JavaScript.

Trail Wiki has the different set of data's (Area, Sub-area, Trail head, Hikes and Trip Reports) and it is creating by using multiple content types and it has direct and in-direct relation between each content types. There are many login behind to group the content and populate in view. The challenge is to do these features using the core features without adding much custom codes.