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Zymphonies theme installation

1 Download Zymphonies package

You can download Zymphonies theme packages after completing your payment translation and you will receive download link in mail.

2 Extract the download package to get below these files

  • Documentation
  • Fresh Drupal Installation (Copy of Zymphonies demo build)
    • Database clone (data.sql)
    • Drupal files
  • For Exists Drupal Installation (Only for premium themes)
    • Theme
    • Modules
    • Libraries

3 Fresh Drupal installation (Copy of demo build)

This is the option to installation the build same like our respective demo website.

4 Add Drupal files into server.

Extract '' and copy it into your host, and rename the directory to 'zymphonies'.

5 Create a database and import.

Access to database and create a database with a name such as 'zymphonies-db'.

You can find database dump named 'database.sql' in 'Fresh Drupal Installation' folder.

Import this sql file into new database.

6 Add Database details in settings.php

Open settings.php (path: sites/default/settings.php), then locate the $database array and set proper credentials.

$databases['default']['default'] = array (
  'database' => 'databasename',
  'username' => 'username',
  'password' => 'password',
  'prefix' => '',
  'host' => '',
  'port' => '3306',
  'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
  'driver' => 'mysql',

Set proper database details in settings.php: db name, db admin username, db admin password, host, etc.

7 Access Website and clear Drupal caches

Open the browser and visit your website (localhost/zymphonies).
Login as admin using below credentials (localhost/zymphonies/user).

User name: admin
Password: admin

8 Clear caches

Click Configuration -> Performance -> Clear caches, then Save configuration.

Video tutorial (no audio)